What is LSD?
Producing LSD
Appearance of LSD
Users of LSD
Effects of LSD
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Long-term effects appear after repeated use over a lengthy period, or some time
after the short-term effects of a single dose have worn off. "Flashbacks" (unpredictable, spontaneous recurrences of the original LSD experience without the
user's taking the drug again) can occur weeks, months, or even up to a year after
the last encounter with the drug. Typically, flashbacks last only a few minutes or
less and are usually visual images ranging from formless colours to frightening hallucinations. The cause of the flashbacks is unknown, but they frequently occur
after an LSD user smokes cannabis.
Chronic LSD use may result in prolonged depression and anxiety.
LSD & Pregnancy
There appears to be a higher risk of spontaneous abortion and congenital
abnormalities in babies born to women who regularly used LSD during pregnancy.
But in almost all such cases reviewed, the mothers had also taken other drugs during pregnancy; it is thus difficult to determine how much each drug contributed
to the problems.
Studies associating LSD use with chromosome damage have yet to be confirmed.